Set Up

Before you can ingest data, you must have created at least one group and at least one log. We can then upload files to that log (or, alternatively, use files from an external object sotre) and create ingestions for those files.


A group is used simply for organizational purposes (all logs belong to one, and only one, group). A group requires a unique name. Group names can be changed later.

First, we will see if we have a group already created. We can do this by listing groups and filtering by a name. If no groups are returned, we will create one with the chosen name.

# note that the resource is found on the 'data' attribute of the response object

group_name = "Demo Group"
groups =
if not groups:
    group =
    group = groups[0]


>> <Group id=4cc15840-bf96-4081-a387-14724c1b94a3, name=Demo Group>

This will return a Group object, which is a Pydantic model. Printing the object will provide a human-readable representation of the object. If we know the ID of the group, we can fetch the group directly.

# it's a bit redundant to query for a group just to use it's ID to fetch the group, but you get the idea
group =


>> <Group id=4cc15840-bf96-4081-a387-14724c1b94a3, name=Demo Group>

Many resources have a note field which can be used to store arbitrary refernce data. We can update the group’s note to include a description of the group.

group =,
        note="This is a note for the demo group."


>> 'This is a note for the demo group.'


A group is a group.

Resource Models

Resource models can be accessed directly. These are Pydantic models, so you can use Pydantic methods, such as model_dump() to get a dict representation of the model, as well as additional LogQS methods.

For example, when a resource includes a “friendly ID” such as a group name, you can use the resource’s fetch method to get the resource by that friendly ID:

group = lqs.resource.Group.fetch("Demo Group")

>> <Group id=4cc15840-bf96-4081-a387-14724c1b94a3, name=Demo Group>

You can also pass in an ID:

group = lqs.resource.Group.fetch(

>> <Group id=4cc15840-bf96-4081-a387-14724c1b94a3, name=Demo Group>
# we can "detach" the resource from the client for convenience
Group = lqs.resource.Group
group = Group.fetch("Demo Group")

>> <Group id=4cc15840-bf96-4081-a387-14724c1b94a3, name=Demo Group>

Using the resource model, we can fetch an existing group or create a new one with a single call:

group = Group.fetch_or_create(name="Demo Group")

>> <Group id=4cc15840-bf96-4081-a387-14724c1b94a3, name=Demo Group>

Instances of resource models can be updated. Calling the update method will update the resource in the service and update the local instance with the response:

group.update(note="This is an updated note for the demo group.")

>> 'This is an updated note for the demo group.'


Next, we can create a log. A log is a collection of topics (which, in turn, are collections of records). A log in LogQS can be composed of multiple log files (by ingesting multiple files), or it can be entirely virtual (by creating topics and records directly).

Informally, a log is a collection of records which are related. It’s generally a good idea for logs to be partitioned by time (such as logs from a given run or a day), but this is not required. For example, a log could be a collection of records from a single day, or it could be a collection of records from a single hour, or it could be a collection of rolling records from an ongoing process etc. Similarly, a log could be partitioned by user, location, device, etc. For example, a fleet of machines could each have their own log which their data is pushed to, or a logical group of machines could push each of their data to a single log, etc.

Generally, it’s a good idea for logs to be composed of records whose data is geospatially, temporally, and semantically close. However, LogQS is designed to be flexible and accommodate many different workflows, so it’s encouraged to consider your use case and how you want to query your data when designing your logs.

How you organize logs will depend on the context of the records and how you want to query them, but note some of the limitations of logs which may affect your design:

  • The number of ingestions, topics, records, etc. for a log is limited (configured on a DataStore level).

  • The number of logs per DataStore is limited (configured on a DataStore level).

  • Record data is partitioned by log, so records from different logs cannot be queried together.

When creating a log, we must specify the group it belongs to and a unique name for the log within the group. Log names and group associations can be changed later. Logs have other optional parameters, such as a note, which can be set when creating the log.

Log = lqs.resource.Log

# Note: a group ID and a log name are required to fetch a UNIQUE log or create a new one
log = Log.fetch_or_create(, name="Demo Log")

>> <Log id=1dbeab76-e810-457c-8e0c-5d2501228333, name=Demo Log>

Some resources have sub-resources which can be accessed from the parent resource. For example, a log has topics, and a topic has records. These sub-resources can be accessed directly from the parent resource. For example, we can list the logs in a given group via the group’s list_logs method:

group = Group.fetch("Demo Group")

>> [
    <Log id=27cce9af-2f88-4c45-8b72-dbf0054e7a80, name=Demo Log Bad>,
    <Log id=1dbeab76-e810-457c-8e0c-5d2501228333, name=Demo Log>


In LogQS, objects (files stored in an object store, like S3) are dedicated resources which can be used in a number of ways (namely, to ingest data from). Objects can be log files (such as ROS bags), but objects can also be configuration files, images, ML models, etc. LogQS provides endpoints for listing, fetching, and creating objects so that you don’t need direct access to the object store.

Objects used in LogQS can be stored in either a LogQS-managed object store or a user-managed object store. LogQS-managed objects are always associated with one, and only one, log. When listing, fetching, and uploading log objects, you must specify the object’s log. Processes cannot be associated with objects associated with logs other than the log it’s associated with (e.g., an ingestion for one log cannot ingest data from an object associated with another log).

The client provides a utility function for uploading objects to LogQS. This function will automatically create the object and upload the file to the object store. The function requires the log ID the object will be associated with and the path to the file.

(object, object_parts) = lqs.utils.upload_log_object(,

We can then fetch the object by key. This does not fetch the object’s content, but metadata about the object.

object_meta = lqs.fetch.log_object(, object_key="log.bag").data

>> <Object key=lqs/c28d67fc-9cfd-4dd0-9cde-e8ceea9975f5/logs/f94c2773-6075-44d3-9638-89489e99d0c0/log.bag>

If we want the object’s content, we use the same function as above, but with the redirect parameter set to True. Optionally, we can also specify an offset and length to fetch a subset of the object’s content.

object_bytes = lqs.fetch.log_object(,

>> b'#ROSBAG V2.0'


An ingestion resource in LogQS is used to track the ingestion process of an object into a log. Ingestions must be associated with a log and an object. Ingestions have an optional name field, which can be used to identify the ingestion. Ingestion names are not unique, so it’s possible to have multiple ingestions with the same name.

By default, ingestions are created in a ready state, where they can be modified after creation. Once an ingestion is ready for processing, it’s state can be changed to queued, which will trigger the ingestion process. Alternatively, ingestions can be created in a queued state, which will trigger the ingestion process immediately.

Ingestion = lqs.resource.Ingestion

ingestion = Ingestion.fetch_or_create(,
    name="Demo Ingestion",


>> <Ingestion id=1736cc43-19ad-489d-890b-aacdc6db9987, name=Demo Ingestion>


By default, ingestions are created in a ready state. When an ingestion’s state is transitioned to queued, the ingestion’s processing workflow should be triggered, starting a job to run the process in the background. The process should transition the ingestion’s state to processing while running, then it will transition to finalized when it is complete. Once all of the ingestion’s part processes complete, the ingestion will transition to completed. If the ingestion fails, it will transition to failed.

During the processing state, the ingestion’s progress field will be updated with the progress of the ingestion. If an error occurs during the ingestion, the ingestion’s error field will be updated with the error message.

When we’ve queued an ingestion, we can re-fetch the ingestion to see its current state.

ingestion = lqs.fetch.ingestion(

>> <ProcessState.queued: 'queued'>

The refresh method on resource models will re-fetch the resource from the service and update the local instance with the response.



>> <ProcessState.completed: 'completed'>


A topic is a collection of records for a given log. Topics include information about the records they contain, including the “type” of the record, i.e., information about how to parse the record data. During ingestion, topics will be created depending on the contents of the file ingested.

Log = lqs.resource.Log
log = Log.fetch("Demo Log")
topics = log.list_topics()

>> [
    <Topic id=950491af-4e7d-4c19-88eb-da03a12254c7, name=/crl_rzr/duro/piksi/pos_llh_cov>,
    <Topic id=ba40839f-ae71-4ad3-a45d-4cd100306f3e, name=/crl_rzr/duro/piksi/imu/data>,
    <Topic id=b1216184-3264-4eb2-9c41-740a627acd4b, name=/crl_rzr/vehicle/transmission/odometry>,
    <Topic id=0f552dad-30b5-4d93-b6a2-67403527fa3a, name=/crl_rzr/multisense_front/aux/image_color>

We can filter the topics returned by list_topics based on attributes of the topic. For example, if we are only interested in image topics, then we can set the type_name filter to “sensor_msgs/Image”.

topic = log.list_topics(type_name="sensor_msgs/Image")[0]

>> <Topic id=0f552dad-30b5-4d93-b6a2-67403527fa3a, name=/crl_rzr/multisense_front/aux/image_color>


A record is a single data point in a log. Records are characterized by the single topic they are associated with and a timestamp. A record’s timestamp is an integer representing the number of nanoseconds since the Unix epoch, i.e., the same kind of timestamp returned by time.time_ns().

record = topic.list_records()[0]

>> <Record timestamp=1655235727034130944, topic_id=0f552dad-30b5-4d93-b6a2-67403527fa3a, log_id=f94c2773-6075-44d3-9638-89489e99d0c0>